Visitor Help page

How to do a makeup:

  1. Go to the "Meetings" tab
  2. Returning visitors can login and skip to step 6, or new visitors complete the required fields in the registration form, and the security check.
  3. The form field "Club Secretary Email" is NOT required to attend a meeting but it will simplify your credit for a makeup.
  4. Putting in a State/Province is NOT required if you are from a country other than the USA or Canada.
  5. Remember your password, as you will use your email address and password to login in the future. Next time you join us, you can simply login, complete the meeting, and you (and your Club Secretary) will get a date and time stamped notification of your makeup.
  6. Once you have completed this simple process, click on 'meeting' in the top menu bar and select the meeting of your choice. The default is the current week's meeting.

There is no charge to attend eClub for a makeup, but like other clubs, donations from our visitors are a source of funding for our club projects. If you are so inclined, we welcome you to make a donation via check or paypal. You will find a donation box on the left side of most pages and explicitly at the end of the meeting. Thanks in advance for your support.

Why should I create an account?

If you should visit us in the future, you can simply login and visit a meeting without providing name and secretary's email. Also, if you verify your account, you can interact with other Rotarians in the forums. We encourage you to create an account and share Rotary fellowship with us!

Be sure to enter your correct email address when creating your account. Next time you visit us for a makeup, you can simply login with your username and password and attend a meeting.

Creating an account is not required to visit a meeting. If you prefer to visit a meeting without creating an account, simply go to the Meeting tab and register as a visitor.

First Time Visitor?

If you are a first time visitor to a Rotary International eClub, you might be interested to know that Article 12, Section 1 (a) of the Standard Rotary Club Constitution defines specific requirements for online make-ups. A make-up will be granted "If, within fourteen (14) days before or after the regular time for that meeting, the member ... (7) participates through a club website in an interactive activity requiring an average of 30 minutes of participation."

We ask that you utilize our site for at least a half hour to stay within the rule and the Four Way Test.

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